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Rehab Exercises Your Chiropractor Can Give You to Strengthen Your Core

Written By Destination Wellness on January 27, 2023

man and woman with strong cores

After an accident, injury, or surgery, you may have chronic pain or mobility issues that require continued treatment. Dr. Allen at Destination Wellness Center can recommend rehabilitation exercises to be done onsite or at home that will strengthen your core, improve your flexibility and mobility, and help you feel better overall. Continuing your chiropractic care in Manalapan post-surgery or injury gives you the best chance of a full recovery.

Importance of Therapeutic Exercises

In order to get you back on your feet so that you can enjoy your life pain-free, Dr. Allen may recommend a specific set of therapeutic exercises. These exercises help to build up key muscles, reduce pain and inflammation, improves circulation, and increases flexibility. These benefits not only help you recover faster and more completely, but they also reduce your risk of re-injury. If you complete your recommended Chiropractic and exercise sessions and faithfully continue your routine spinal adjustments and continue to practice your exercises and stretches at home, you are much less likely to suffer from chronic pain or disability after an accident, injury, or surgery.

Improving Core Strength

Your core muscles are the muscles of the back, abdomen, pelvic floor, and diaphragm that support the spine and improve coordination and flexibility. Strengthening your core muscles can greatly reduce your risk of injury and help you maintain good posture and flexibility throughout your recovery. Dr. Allen may recommend these exercises to strengthen your core muscles:

  • Forearm or side planks
  • Bridge exercises
  • Leg lifts and back stretches
  • Leg crossover stretches

Stretching and Strengthening

Stretching and strengthening exercises keep your muscles and tendons flexible and limber. This prevents re-injury and reduces tension and inflammation. Consistently completing strengthening and stretching exercises can also improve your mobility and stability throughout recovery, which helps your balance and posture overall. Key stretches that Dr. Allen may recommend to strengthen muscles are:

  • Forward, backward, and side neck tilts
  • Downward neck release exercises
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Cobra stretches, cat-cow stretches, spinal bridges, and seated spinal twists
  • Stretches that target the pelvic girdle, knees, wrists, tailbone, or lower back

If You’re in Need of a Chiropractor to Assist Your Recovery, Visit Us at Destination Wellness Center

If you’re recovering from an accident, injury, or surgery and need a chiropractor to assist with improving the strength and alignment of your spine and all other joints in the body, come see us at Destination Wellness Center. Our chiropractor and staff have extensive experience in customizing exercise programs and rehabilitative physical medicine and can help you bounce back from injury even stronger.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (732) 780-7333 ext. 1 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic