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Adjustments and Stretching: The Perfect Combination for Your Body

Written By Destination Wellness on April 30, 2020

StretchingAs the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, outdoor activities will start to fill up your schedule. Whether you are going for a run, taking care of your garden, or throwing a frisbee at the park, it is essential that your body keeps up with you. Making sure that you are stretching and receiving regular adjustments is necessary to prevent injuries, relieve stress, and keep your body flexible.

We all know that stretching before physical activity is essential. As our bodies age, our muscles tighten and need to be warmed up so they can absorb the shock of strenuous movements. However, stretching alone is not the optimal way to prepare your body for the physical activities this spring may hold.

Just Stretching is Not Enough

While stretching is an essential part of keeping your body flexible enough to handle quick or vigorous movements, no amount of stretching can fix a misaligned spine. A chiropractic adjustment is necessary to ensure your muscles and bones are where they should be. If you continue to put physical strain on parts of your body that are misaligned, you could suffer long-term health problems.

Chiropractic adjustments are also an essential addition to your training if you want to increase athletic ability. Studies have repeatedly shown that chiropractic adjustments in conjuncture with regular stretching has helped to increase overall athletic performance. 

The increased range of motion and precision that a combination of stretching and adjustment offers will not only help optimize your game but keep you safe as well by: 

  • helping to keep your range of motion intact
  • Keeping your muscles in peak performing condition, reducing the risk of strain or over-exertion
  • Reduce the time needed for healing should an injury occur

Schedule Your Adjustment Today

If you want to make sure your body is ready for physical activities this spring, Dr. Richard Allen is available for adjustments every week, Monday through Saturday. He has 18 years of experience in chiropractic and has provided quality care to each of his patients.

Taking steps to adjust and stretch your body today will help you avoid injuries and allow you to be more active tomorrow.

Curious about how chiropractic care can benefit you? Then schedule an appointment online or call our offices at (732) 780-7333.

Posted In: Chiropractic Stretching Adjustments